Resources and Links
- Resources for Students
- Resources for Staff
- Academic Resources
- Reporting Bias and Discrimination
- Addressing Authorship Issues
- Communicating Effectively
- Working Remotely
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) provides assistance to students, faculty, and staff regarding reports of bias, harassment, and discrimination. Reports of suspected bias can be made on-line or in person to OPHD. We encourage reporting of incidents since it allows the University to follow up, investigate facts and determine whether University policies have been violated.
If you have any questions or concerns about making a report, you can talk with the Ombuds Office confidentially about the situation and your options. We can provide you with additional information about policies and the processes that may be relevant in various situations. We can also help you develop a range of options – which offices you might contact to make a formal report, informal conversations you might be able to have, or other ways to have the issues of concern raised.
Sometimes people are concerned about coming forward because they fear retaliation or think they may be putting themselves at risk. You should know that retaliation is prohibited by University policy. However, the Ombuds Office is especially helpful in these cases since we can help you think through ways in which you can be best protected, provide you with the policies about being protected from retaliation but yet also get the situation addressed. And remember, specific conversations with the Ombuds Office are confidential and will not be disclosed without your permission. The only exception to the confidentiality provided by the Ombuds Office occurs if we perceive there is an imminent risk of serious harm, in which case we are permitted to disclose information if necessary.
In short, remember that you always have options, and that we’re here to provide assistance and answer your questions.